2009年10月28日 星期三

Triple H -the most powerful heel player in WWE

When we talk about WWE, we can count out some of the famous player like Shawn Michaels , Undertaker, Kane.But there is still another superstar that many people like . He is Triple H, the most popular heel player in WWE history .First time I knew WWE because of a game, the first
player I chose was he. He had done lots of bad things in WWE ,but you can't deny that he is the one who has great charm . I think I must make a clear introduce to you becsuse he is such a great player.

Triple H's profile
Real name:Paul Levesque
Height/weight: 193CM/255 pound
Birthday: 1969/07/27
Come from: Greenwicth, Connetic
Nickmane:The Game.King of Kings, The Cerebal Assassin

He played a very nice role in the WWE's heel player, he is a perosn who is arrogant and proud.He is also the player who work very hard to become a superstar.
After the period in DX, Triple H has become the A-list wrestling player in WWE.He fought against Shawn Michaels when Shawn was returned to WWE, and he built another heel stable called Evolution. Evolution's player inlcuded Ric Fair, Randy Ortan and Batista.This stable hekped the two rookie player,Randy Ortan and Batista , become the WWE's other A-list player.
Though Triple H has made lots of medal in WWE, I don't like him very much .In 2003, he married the chairman's daughter, Stephine , and this made him more arrogant.Other players can make any angry about him becuase if you had some quarrel with him , he would destroy your career by telling the WWE's managers .

2009年10月23日 星期五

The Deadman ,the American Bad Ass:The Undertaker

When we talk about WWE ,we can't talk without this great and legend superstar-The Undertaker.He is the most mighty and strengthful player in WWE. He is more legendary then Hulk Horgan ,The Rock and even Stone Cold Steve Austin.
He has a great impact on the wrestling.He is the only player who come to the ring without any "boo" sound form the audience.Not mention about his undefeated record in WrestleMania about "19-0",this means that he has not losed in Wrestle Mania since 1990 (His rookie year in WWE)
When I play WWE's Game -Smcak down VS RAW ,I always likes to choose he and my idle- Shawm Michaels to make a tag team(Though they are rivals in WWE = =).

Let me introduce to you

The Undertaker's Profile

Real name:Mark William Calaway

Height/Weight: 210cm /135KG(299 pound)

Come from: Death Valley(When he plays The Deadman)

Huston , Texas(When he plays the US Bad Ass)

Signuture move: TombStone, Last Ride ,ChokeSlam,Hell'sGate.

Title: WWE Champion ,World Heavyweight Champion,WWE tag team Champion, WWE Hardcore Champion,WWE WCW tag team Champion.

The first period : The Deadaman

When The Undertaker was a rookie inthe WWE ,he was setted as a character about a deadman,who would not feel hurt and fear.The power he got was from a can full of the bone ashe.When the Undertaker was defeated , his agent would take out this can and the Undertaker would become defeadless.In his first year in WWE , he got the WWE Champion( This was an very rare example in the history of WWE. Because I remenber the first title that Shawn Michaels got was the Intercontinental Champion= = )

In this period,the Undertaker had played lots of excited game like Hell in a Cell match , buried-alive match .His brother,the Big Red Machine-Kane, had his debut in 1997 and he had a rivlry against Kane.

The second period : The Big American Bad Ass

After a serious hurt, The Undertaker had taken a rest for a period of time. When he returned in 2002, he shocked everyone. Because he had turned his character in to the speeding man.When he entered the ring, he rode a heavy motor. In this period of time ,he fought with the other powerful superstar-Brock Lesnar.But this period end in a burried-alive match with the WWE chairman-Vince Machanom,because of the sudden strike of Kane, The Undertaker had been burried in the soil (In fact ,he had got a serios hurt and this forced him to rest for a while.)

The third period(until now)-The return of the Deadman
After the burried-alive match ,everyone thought that The Undertaker had been dead. But in WrestleMania 20 , The undertaker returned in the type of the Deadman . Until now, he is still the type of the deadman. In Royal Rumble 2007, he finally won this match (A royal rumble match ,and it means that he can challenge the Champion of his brand in WrestleMania main event) He did it ! He defeated the current Champion-Batista and became the new WorldHeavyweight Champion!

2009年10月19日 星期一

2009年10月14日 星期三

A poem written by me-I walk alone

I walk alone and just for you
Why? Because I just want to give a peaceful and lovely world to you
The chosen one ,the most precious one.

What one sacrifice is never lost
Because I choose to do
I will never regret and your lovely smile can sole my bloody wound
Your happyness can make me relax
I used to be blue until I meeet you

I want to be the shield when you face the difficulty.
If you choose another person , not me.
I hope he will treat you very well .
And for this , I will not regret any longer.
Because you are my best love next my parents and sister in the world.
I walk alone and now I didn't feel lonelyBecause in my mind , a beautiful you is the best partner in my way to the destination.
And I still walk alone with a warm heart and a memory in my mind.

2009年10月10日 星期六

On Dumpster Diving

As an old saying goes:" We should cherish what we own now." Our fortune is limited,and if we didn't cherish it ,it will be lost when we are not aware of it. We should live in a industrial life and contorl our budget .Because one day we will be parents,we earn our livings and support our family.If our desire is too much , our life spend will be too much . The writter use a very cronical eyesight to describe the extravagant college students' lives in the USA.This makes me think of our college students,though we don't do those ridiculous behaviors, our quality of the college students is the point we should worry about.We are the pillar of our society ,and we should not do something to hurt the society . I am now a college student,and I am very excited about the future life in NCHU.Because of having face the college entrance exam , I should relax for a moment.But not the rest of the college life, I hope that I can learn some proffesional skills in language and learn some lesson about life.I hope I'll become a somebody,not just a small potato

2009年10月8日 星期四


In WWE's ,If you ask one fan what isthe most popular heel team in the history ,night out of ten ,they will say D-Generation-X.Let me introduce this most popular team in WWE
D-Gneration-X's profile
Start in:1998
Members:"HBK" Shawn Michaels , "The Game"Triple H ,X-pac ,Chyna(the only girl player who has gotten the intercontinental Champion),"New World Outlaw".
In the period of 1990's ,WWE had a very hard time to fight with another league-WCW.Because WCW had used a very good salary and a big contract to attract lots of the Superstar inWWE.Like"Hitman" Bret Hart and Hollywood Hulk Horgan ,they betrayed WWE and joined WCW.This hurted WWE a lot,and the most brtuel thing is that WCW used those ex-WWE superstar to build a very big team called"New World Order",appreviated in NWO.This team was a very big team,it even had the Japan branch .This made WWE shocked .
NWo'menbers were the biggest superstar ,like Hollywood Hulk Horgan ,Kevin Nash ,Scott Hall.
WWE didn't have so much superstars to face this difficulty,so WWE decided to avoid this .WWE choosed to use the young superstar to build another team to fight against the NWO,so D-Generation-X has born .
In 1998 ,WCW 's Pay Per View in Canada ,D-Generation-X suddenly appeared in the game and had a very famous signature-" WCW,NWO ,Suck it".This sucked everyone .But it's not end,D-Generation-X drove a tank to the WCW's head company!
But now,D-Generation-X has just two people-HBK and Triple H. But many people will still remenber this heel team.

2009年10月6日 星期二

The big red machine-Kane

Kane,the most horrible wrestling superstar in WWE,is also the superstar with the most misunderstandig.Under his face,he has a kind heart .Let me introduce to you one of my favorite wrestling superstar-Kane
Introduction of Kane
Ring name :Kane
Real name:Glenn Thomas Jacobs
Hometown:Madrid, Spain
Nickname:The Big Red Machine,The Big Red Monster,The Seven-Foot Monster
Title:WWE Champion,WWE tag team Champion,ECW Champion,WWE hardcore Champion
Intercontinental Champion
In 1997,WWE'sPay Per View,Shawn Michaels had a very bloody match with the Undertaker.The first Hell in a Cell match had fighted very violent,and suddenly with a big sound,
a masked man with 7 foot had his debut in WWE .The masked man is Kane,and he broke the door of the iron cell ,stabbing the Undertaker.This made everyone impressed.Due to the WWE's
arrangement,Kane is Undertaker's younger brother.Because of Undertaker's careless,Kane was almost killed in this accident.So they had so many violent match ,like the hell fire match(One's any part of body has been in the fire around the ring will lose the match)
But in 2001,thing seems to change.Kane made a tag team with the Undertaker,the brother of destruction,and their tag has been seeing as the most powerful and destructive tag team in WWE' history .But in 2003 ,Kane had a match with the world heavyweight champion-Triple H,and he lose .The most sad thing is that Kane took off his mask and he became more weaker than before.
But after I know that Kane tell the company that he didn't want to get the champion anymore because he want to give the chance to the new wrestling superstar,I like him so much .Because in WWE,Champion tilte is equal to a big contract ,and Kane can sacrifice it.The most touching thing is that Kane can accept the company's arrange about letting a new superstar to defeat him in order to give the young player more chances.