2009年11月19日 星期四

Monday Night War-The war between WWE and WCW(1/2)

We all know that WWE is the biggest wrestling band in the world .It brand is worth than one million US dollars.We can not think that WWE had a very hard fight with the other brand-WCW(Though it had been bought by WWE and it changed its name into SmackDown! in 2002.)
This example show us that challenge can make us more better.I want to show all of you this bloody and stone-cold bussiness war-The Monday Night War

First part - The origin
WWF(the original name of WWE, World Wrestling Federation) was once called the WWWF(World Wide Wrestling Federation), it was founded by the present WWE chairman ,Vince MaMchon's father-Vince MaMchon Sr. . The most famous player in WWF was Hollywood Hulk Horgan,because of his influence and popularity, WWF had became one of the most popular athletic program in the US.There was not only WWE in the market of wrestling, NWA(National Wrestling Association) was one of it.NWA was consisted of eight different kind of wrestling brand , and WCW(World Champion Wrestling) was one menber of it.In the period of 90's, the Warner Brother's boss -Ted Turner bought WCW , the circumstance had change.

Second part-Eric Bischoff
Eric Bischoff, the most influential person in the wrestling history .(Maybe I can use the God Father to describe him.).He ran the WCW due to the agreement of Ted Turner . He is the person that I like him so much .He created lots of breakthrough until now.We know that wrestler may fight in the restroom or the aisle and we can not know which matters will happen in the program today . Those things are created by Eric Bischoff .In 1995,WCW began the war with WWE.
Before this time, Bischoff talked to his boss, Turner,that he wanted a time to broadcast his program, Nitro.Turner asked him whhich time did he want ,Bischoff asked him wheather Turner could give him Monday night to challenge WWF.To his surprise , Turner gave him this Golden time , and people thought that Turner and Bischoff must be mad to face WWF.But Bischoff made them surprise.

Third part-Hulk Horgan NWO and Bret Hart
Bischoff Began his plan to defeat WWF.The first part of the plan is Hulk Horgan. Horgan was retired in 1995 and he wanted to be an movie star.WCW 's Boss, Turner , owned the channel of Disney and the the GMG movie maker.Horgan's most flim was directed by GMG.Bischoff used this privilege and persuade Horgan to sign with WCW .Horgan agreed and this was the begining of the hard time of WWF.After signing Hulk Horgan,Bischoff used the high salary to persuade WWF's superstar to sign with WCW, in the same time ,Bischoff decided to make PPV(Pay Per View, you have to pay extra money if you want to watch the program).People still thought he was mad.But when we look back at this period of history, we can not but to praise Eric Bischoff's forethought and his intellegence.Why? becauce this is very common in today 's wrestling program but was not the common thing in that time.After the high salary's assault, WCW had many superstars like Horgan, Savage, Luger and Sting , and WWF had Bret Hart , Kevin Nash ,Undertaker , Scott Hall and Shwan Michaels. But WWF soon lost two of the superstars-Kevin Nash and Scott Hall. They sighed with WCW due to the High salary.Bischoff used this superstar to create the most evil Stable in the history-NWO(New World Order). In 1996 , WCW's PPV-Blash,Horgan broke into one of the match and joined the heel side of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall.This was the begining of NWO, the audience was shocked because their US hero did such bad thing.They wanted to see what would happen in the future .NWO letted WCW grow into the biggest brand of the wrestling market.
In 1997,WWF's most popular superstar, Bret Hart, signed with WCW.Because he was the WWF Champion in that time, Vince MaMchon was afraid of the situation, if Bret Hart brought WWF Champion to WCW, this would be the devestating thing to WWF. Vince had a long talk with Bret and he wnated Bret to release the WWF Champion ,but Bret didn't want to do this .Before his sign with WWF ended ,he had to play in the last PPV in WWF,the Survivor Series, and the PPV was held in Canada, Bret's hometown.He didn't want to lose the Champion in his hometown .After a long talk , they made a consensus -After Survivor Series, Bret would release the Champion .But Vince still be afraid of the bad situation happening ,he did the worst and notorious thing in wrestling's history- The "Montril Event".In Survivor Series, Bret had a Champion match with Shawn Michaels in Iron Man Match .Bret was surprised that Shawn Michaels had became so sticker than before .He could bore the Shopshooter-Bret's signature move.But they didn't have any result in the 60 min match . But the prolong match was shocked to everyone. When Shawn Michaels used the Sharpshooter to treat Bret. Bret didn't want to be submitted and wanted to fight back to Shawn .The refere judged that Bret had submit by tapping the ring's floor and Shwan Michaels had become the new WWF Champion.Bret was so fury after he knew that Vince MaMchon did this .He broke Vince's chin and his leg.
What would this haapen in the future? Next week I will tell you

