2009年11月23日 星期一

Monday Night War-the war between WWE and WCW(2/2)

Last weeek ,we talked about how WCW became so strong and how the great lost did WWF had.We all know that WWE has bought WCW and let it became another brand of it- Smack Down, how the circumstance change and what the reasons did WCW lost this match . I will show you this interesting history and the result
Five part - Stone Cold Steve Austin and WWF's hard survive
After WWF lost lots of superstar and the market in Canada(Because of the Montreal Event), WWF was at the ridge of bankrupt, but Mr. McMahon soon found a great superstar- Stone Cold Steve Austin( I will abreviate his name in SCSA).SCSA was WCW's player at first, but Bischoff fired him after he got hurt ( It was a stone-cold fact because SCSA was just a rookie in that time
, and WCW had some many superstars that rookie players didn't have chances to become superstars)WWF found that he had the talent to be a superstar, but he didn't have any experiences.WWF decided to mold his character as a very violent bad ass.In 1996, SCSA won King of the Ring ,announcing the famous 3:16 speech . He had shocked all the wrestling ,WWF used he to confront lots difficulties .WWF had survived in a very dangerous way .
Six part- D-Generation-X , WrestleMania 18
Because of NWo, WWF had build a stable to be against it-D-Generation-X, NWO had lots of famous superstars , but D-Generation-X was totally different . DX was consisted of young people, it was the opposite of NWO .

