Real name : Kobayashi Kenta
Birthday :1981/03/12
From: Japan
Weight/hieght : 173cm/80KG
Signature move: Go 2 Sleep , Devil's beuty Knee drop , Knee drop
Belongs to : Noah pro-wrestling
Theme song : Give It A Shot!
Champion : GHC Jr. weight Champion, GHC Jr. tag team Champion .
He is my favorite Japan wrestler ! He always fights with the guy who is bigger than him , and he is never afraid.
Marufuji Naomichi
Real Name: Marufuji Naomichi
From: Japan
Height/Weight : 176cm/88KG
Signature move : Arm trap dragon screw , Larait
Champion: GHC heavyweight Champion , GHC Jr. weight Champion, GHC Jr. weight tag team
Champion , GHC heavy weight Champion , AJPW world Jr. weight Champion
He is a genuis in wrestling ring . He always do lots of new move in the game.